Ekofol a.s. Is a 100% Czech owned private company that has been operating on the market since 1991. From the very beginning we focus on the packaging and packaging sector. Thanks to years of experience, we have a wealth of experience and offer a wide range of products.
Proper shipping can be made in different ways. Our ambition is not to knock down the price on each item but offer an alternative view of the packaging as a whole. We are reversing savings through “smart solutions”, whether by optimizing packaging systems or replacing traditional packaging materials.
In our company, we rely on a successfully implemented ISO9001 internal management system.
In addition to standard packaging materials, we always strive to offer “progressive packaging elements”. Although the innovation rate is relatively low in the packaging industry, we are trying to find modern alternatives to established approaches and technologies.
An integral part of our business is advice on the protection of goods during transport. We provide consultations on the suitability and optimal use of given packaging solutions.
When checking our change designs, we use the lab in our own testing center. For measurements based on ČSN standards, we use our own methodology based on real practice.

Since 1991, when the company was founded as a family business, we stand on the foundations of a “fair-age fair business”. What we agree on is a commitment to us. We do not need to sign piles of contracts, all the arrangements and the agreed terms are in short. The result and satisfaction of the customer are what is most important to us.